Special Care Nursery (SCN) -- Level 3 NICU

The Andrew Tesauro Special Care Nursery (SCN) is a 34 bed fully-accredited Level 3 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Jefferson Abington Hospital. The SCN is staffed 24 hours a day by on-site board certified neonatologists, neonatal nurse practitioners & physician assistants from Newborn Special Care Associates, PC.  We are among the most experienced neonatal professionals in the region and are proud to provide a multidisciplinary approach to care as we partner with more than 100 highly skilled neonatal nurse clinicians, lactation specialists, respiratory therapists, nutritionists, social workers, physical therapists, speech therapists, clinical nurse scientists and pharmacists to deliver the best possible outcomes to our community. 

Advanced Technologies Available Include:

  • High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation

  • Non-invasive Ventilation Strategies

  • Therapeutic Hypothermia for Neonatal Encephalopathy

  • Inhaled Nitric Oxide for Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure

  • On-site pediatric subspecialty services

NICView Camera System

While nothing compares to being with your baby, 24/7 video streaming at every bedside is provided to help ease families anxiety when having to be separated from their newborn. Being able to see your baby in real time can also help boost milk production for lactating parents.

Keriton Connect

A HIPAA compliant app for iOS & Android that allows for optimized feeding management and helps to enhance the pumping experience for parents. It provides parents with the ability to log and track their breastmilk production, as well as an added layer of safety and efficiency for nurses.

Prenatal Consultation

If a risk for premature delivery, or any other prenatal issue, has been identified that may indicate a need for a NICU admission, we are happy to schedule a prenatal consult with expectant mothers either outpatient or inpatient.
Any referrals or requests for prenatal consultation can be scheduled by calling 215-481-4986.

Neonatal Transport

Jefferson Abington Hospital’s Neonatal Transport Team is available for transport of infants both to and from Jefferson Abington Hospital. For infants that are in need of any higher level of care than their birth facility provides, we are able to keep families closer together without the added stressor of traveling a much further distance to see their child during what can be an already traumatic and challenging time.

Babie’s who might need transport to Jefferson Abington Hospital for care include the following:
- Any premature baby 35 weeks and under needing to be admitted to a Level III NICU
- Babies born at hospitals that do not have maternity services
- Babies born full term who need a high level of care, such as respiratory support, inhaled nitric oxide, or therapeutic hypothermia
- Infants three months of age or less needing itnesive ccare
- Infants needing laser eye surgery

JeffSTAT, Jefferson Health’s medical transportation service, provides advanced life support and critical care ambulances along with air medical helicopters that are ready and available to respond 24/7. The neonatal transport team that accompanies babies includes a neonatal physician or practitioner, NICU nurse, JeffSTAT nurse, JeffSTAT paramedic, and a pilot/driver. Transport via our neonatal transport team is safe, fast and efficient.

Referring providers or facilities can utilize the Jefferson Transfer Center at 1-800-JEFF-121.

Newborn Nurseries and Postpartum Unit

The Newborn (Well Baby) Nurseries at Jefferson Abington Hospital are part of the Postpartum Maternity Unit where mothers and babies are taken care of together.  Our staff will be available to care for your child if your general pediatrician or family physician is not available for inpatient care at Abington, or if you have not yet chosen a provider for your newborn. 

While our practice unfortunately does not provide outpatient general pediatric newborn care, we work closely with many outstanding pediatric providers. We encourage all expecting or new mothers to choose a provider as soon as possible to ensure the most efficient care of your baby. 

Cleary Center for
Newborn Wellness

Located at 1400 Old York Road, Suite D, Abington, PA 19001
Our team of physicians will continue to provide comprehensive on-going care to babies with specialized needs after they are discharged from the NICU. Developmental, nutritional and medical assessments are administered during your visits to help us provide guidance, referrals, co-ordinate care, and to help facilitate positive parent-child relationships.

Neonatal Follow-Up

Located at 1400 Old York Road, Suite E, Abington, PA 19001
The Neonatal Follow-Up Program is able to provide a comprehensive medical and neurodevelopmental evaluation for children until the age of five. Our goal is to develop an individualized care plan for your child’s specific healthcare and developmental needs while maintaining close communication with your child’s pediatrician.